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 [Tread] Request Unbaned !

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3 posters
Voice Operator
Voice Operator

Jumlah posting : 379
Join date : 05.02.09
Age : 34
Lokasi : -PaLemBanG-

[Tread] Request Unbaned ! Empty
PostSubyek: [Tread] Request Unbaned !   [Tread] Request Unbaned ! Icon_minitimeThu Feb 05, 2009 10:55 am

Disin TEmpat anda ingin Request Baned id anda .

sebelumnya diLarang

Untuk Menghindari Warning Delete Topic

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Jumlah posting : 384
Join date : 05.02.09
Age : 34

[Tread] Request Unbaned ! Empty
PostSubyek: Re: [Tread] Request Unbaned !   [Tread] Request Unbaned ! Icon_minitimeWed Feb 11, 2009 1:59 am


mending thread gini apus aja

soalnya kalow mau request unband kan bisa ke op yg ngeband

gitu dech saran gw tutup aja gak guna juga kok
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Jumlah posting : 91
Join date : 08.02.09
Age : 32
Lokasi : Kal-Bar

[Tread] Request Unbaned ! Empty
PostSubyek: Re: [Tread] Request Unbaned !   [Tread] Request Unbaned ! Icon_minitimeWed Feb 11, 2009 7:13 pm

iya mending request unbanned ama Op2

ga usah bikin treads gt

tutup aja~

<dukung wendy>
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Voice Operator
Voice Operator

Jumlah posting : 379
Join date : 05.02.09
Age : 34
Lokasi : -PaLemBanG-

[Tread] Request Unbaned ! Empty
PostSubyek: Re: [Tread] Request Unbaned !   [Tread] Request Unbaned ! Icon_minitimeFri Feb 20, 2009 7:39 pm

topic anda tidak sesuai dengan tread mohon untuk tidak di ISI TREAD ini dengan kata" yang TIDAK PENTING !!!!!

NB : Maaf Request Unband adalah suatu tread yang penting . bila ingin request di tread operator juga susah ...

Request unban :
- Nama Operator yang bersangkutan
- ID yang terkena Band
- Alasan Unban

Pembukaan ID tergantung berapa hari dia terkena Band
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[Tread] Request Unbaned ! Empty
PostSubyek: Re: [Tread] Request Unbaned !   [Tread] Request Unbaned ! Icon_minitime

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[Tread] Request Unbaned !
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