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 introduce myself Im Whi†E..

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Jumlah posting : 13
Join date : 03.03.09

introduce myself Im Whi†E.. Empty
PostSubyek: introduce myself Im Whi†E..   introduce myself Im Whi†E.. Icon_minitimeTue Mar 03, 2009 8:39 pm

Gue anak server tetangga..
pesan gue..
klo maw bersaing yg sehat aje..
sama2 build good gamers community..
mampir ke server org boleh,, tp ga usa pake starcraft trus bot n promo coy..!!!
oh ie..
ps. mending treadh² kaya announcement tuh di lock aja..
jd cuman momod yg bs


introduce myself Im Whi†E.. White_animate2

introduce myself Im Whi†E.. 462620
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