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 Whi†E give u 1 thumb up n 1 thumb down..

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Jumlah posting : 13
Join date : 03.03.09

Whi†E give u 1 thumb up n 1 thumb down.. Empty
PostSubyek: Whi†E give u 1 thumb up n 1 thumb down..   Whi†E give u 1 thumb up n 1 thumb down.. Icon_minitimeTue Mar 03, 2009 8:48 pm

pertama congrats yah.. forum na bagus..
momod na jg cukup rajin..(boonk deh)..haha..
tp kaya na ada yg kurank tuh..
harusnya treadh2 yg emank ga boleh di sembarank post di lock aja..

bwat server,,
mending tu channel di delete dolo sementara..
kebanyakan n blom kepake..

yah..sama2 berkembang deh..
tq tq tq tq n sory.. lol!


Whi†E give u 1 thumb up n 1 thumb down.. White_animate2

Whi†E give u 1 thumb up n 1 thumb down.. 462620
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Whi†E give u 1 thumb up n 1 thumb down..
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